I N S I D E the mission work (cont)
religion. It's also a bit of a challenge because you have to identify
the right person at the table to talk to and greet.
Now at one specific table I noticed one of the women who I have
seen before at our outreaches (Noura). As I began to talk to her,
she stood up and said "Abounaeeem (this is my alias name), I
came to your Christmas outreach which you did in our village and
at that time I was going through a lot in my personal life. I fought,
agreeing to join my neighbors to take the long trip on the bus to
join your outreach that day, but something kept pushing me to
go. I also fought coming to the first outreach I attended. In the
beginning, when we first walked in, I was very nervous I kept
asking myself what am I doing here. But when you greeted us with
a smile and you asked us to open our hearts to Essa (Jesus) the
greatest healer I felt something different. I felt the greatest
calmness settle over me and in my heart in a way I have not felt
in a long time.
That is why today I’m proud to say look around the hall at the 67
Muslim women with their children, I was the one that gathered
them together and invited them along with your team to arrange
to bring them here to this week's outreach. I went home after the
first outreach and told all of my friends, neighbors, and the
woman in my family that something happened to me when I met
you all and spent the day with you. I told my family that they must
come. That besides the good food and family care packages and
gifts we got, more importantly, there is an emotional and spiritual
draw that cannot be explained in words only by personal
Praise the Lord for Noura; because of her we were able to do
several more outreach gatherings and have been able to add new
names and disciple to new individuals that are being added to our
growing discipleship programs. Out of the testimonies and stories
of these groups who attend now, the word is spreading of
the message of Jesus. In fact, we have received invitations
to go into 3 more villages and distinct
distinct cities that have never been
reached in the land of our Lord!
Why do we risk going into these cities and villages? Three
reasons: First, the sacrifice of Jesus is not in vein, and their
souls are worth savin. Secondly, because the smiles and
transformations we see happing in their lives make it all
worth it. Thirdly we are committed to the Lord's
commands and are committed to honoring those of you who give
to our ministry to ensure we are fulfilling our ministries goals and
These are not singular outreaches, every outreach we do has
follow-up and ongoing weekly running costs. Monthly expenses are $3,500 (U.S.D) for the next three years of outreach programs.
Yes, the more we expand and grow the more sacrificial gifts we will need to keep up with the demand of those wanting to know more about Jesus. It is an honor to say we are doing things that no one is doing in truly unreached areas. Our team and I gladly risk much to do these outreaches. What part will you take in this vision to ensure the name of Jesus is being lifted up, and discipleship is being held
till He returns?
# 1 | URGENT NEED “Planting the Seed” PROGRAM.
We are now preparing for our October outreaches. This is when we begin to go to villages and towns to meet with key individuals who are leaders, influencers, or tribe chiefs. In these meetings we invite them to a local restaurant where we share with them what we do and our desire to see every Arab and Jew in the land have hope, peace and love. We then according to customs give them a gift which ranges from a housewarming gift to remember us with, or boxes of clothes or even bags of food.
GOAL $3,500/monthly
We need 40 partners to support $50 a month and 15 partners to support $100 a month.
Put “Plant the Seed” on your donation!