Our Mission:
Holy Land Missions is a faith-based, nonprofit organization with a driving passion to connect the world with Evangelical Christian Churches in Israel. Our ministry is active in serving suffering Arab Christians and Jews by feeding families who are hungry, meeting urgent medical needs and organizing community outreach programs inside the Holy Land.
How We do it:
As a faith-based, international, humanitarian-relief organization strategically based in Jerusalem and Missouri, our mission is to help and provide hope to those who are impoverished, hurting, and religiously persecuted in Israel.
Throughout the year-local suffering Arab Christian communities, along with others, receive free groceries, much needed medical care, family assistance, Biblical growth programs, and much more at our regular ministry events and yearly outreaches.
Holy Land Missions partners with, provides resources to, and empowers local ministries, including missionaries on the ground in the Holy Land. Ministries like these seek to enhance their presence in their local communities and continue to be representatives on the front lines for Christ. We also partner with other global ministries such as the ICEJ, CCCJC, VOM, Convoy of Hope, and the Billy Graham Association to raise awareness of the dwindling Christian population in the Holy Land.
As a local community member for over 30 years, we consistently are able to respond to the needs of persecuted Christians in the Arab or surrounding communities. We’re able to do this because we have an established distribution model, counsel response team, and local warehouse to provide necessary assistance to all those who need it.