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 Trip Testimonies

My #1 desire and the calling God has put in my heart and on my life is to teach and lead disciples for Christ Jesus. My second greatest desire is being a lay-missionary which I have been privileged to be for over thirty years. With those two desires the greatest gift God could give would be to combine the two and send me to the place where our faith began – Jesus earthly Homeland. It still overwhelms me to think that the Lord has opened the door twice (2011 & 2014) for me to work with Pastor Steven Khoury and Holy Land Missions in Bethlehem. To say the least it has been life changing. First of all as a teacher of God’s Word could there be anything any better than going and seeing and experiencing the homeland of our Savior? You have the Bible come alive as you read, see and smell everything around you. As a missionary is there anything any better than doing what we were commissioned to do – put out faith into action, show our love to others, and make disciples?
Getting to know and work with Pastor Steve, his family and associates has made a lasting impact on my life. Their lives, their testimonies, and their ministries are a great inspiration. Their struggle sometimes just to survive in their world is overwhelming, so to be and work with them and see their faith and passion is very humbling, inspiring and contagious.
I have partnered with Holy Land Missions to support and pray for them and their continued work in the Holy Land. I also know God is calling me to return again work and with Pastor Steve and his ministry and I look forward to that time.
“Come Follow Me!” Do you hear Him calling you?


Virginia, USA

In the summer of 2014, my wife, daughter and I celebrated our 30th Anniversary with a trip of a life-time to the Holy Lands. Through our pastor, we were put in touch with Holy Land Missions and Daniel Collins. To describe the trip as amazing would be an understatement.
In two weeks, we traversed Israel from Eilat in the south to Mt. Hermon in the north, from the eastern shores of the Sea of Galilee to the Mediterranean on the west. And yet, somehow, we did not feel rushed.
We spent our Sundays worshipping with the brethren at Calvary Baptist Church in Jerusalem and in Bethlehem. It was such a blessing to be with believers who take Genesis 12:3 “I will bless them that bless thee [Abraham and his seed]….”
Our host, Daniel, proved to be a treasure trove of Scriptural knowledge as well as folklore and traditions. As an added bonus, he is a soul winner with a deep concern for both the Jewish and Palestinian people.
If you have the opportunity to visit the Holy Lands, I highly recommend Daniel Collins and Holy Land Missions.


California, USA

In the summer of 2014, my wife, daughter and I celebrated our 30th Anniversary with a trip of a life-time to the Holy Lands. Through our pastor, we were put in touch with Holy Land Missions and Daniel Collins. To describe the trip as amazing would be an understatement.
In two weeks, we traversed Israel from Eilat in the south to Mt. Hermon in the north, from the eastern shores of the Sea of Galilee to the Mediterranean on the west. And yet, somehow, we did not feel rushed.
We spent our Sundays worshipping with the brethren at Calvary Baptist Church in Jerusalem and in Bethlehem. It was such a blessing to be with believers who take Genesis 12:3 “I will bless them that bless thee [Abraham and his seed]….”
Our host, Daniel, proved to be a treasure trove of Scriptural knowledge as well as folklore and traditions. As an added bonus, he is a soul winner with a deep concern for both the Jewish and Palestinian people.
If you have the opportunity to visit the Holy Lands, I highly recommend Daniel Collins and Holy Land Missions.

Copy Of -Ben

California, USA

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